The Clinician's Survival Guide
Do you struggle with practical aspects of working as a clinician, such as finding the right job, time-keeping, inefficient systems and medico-legal risk?
This podcast is about addressing these issues: Every Tuesday, in under 15 minutes, we take-on a topic and discuss it's implications. We then explore what you, as a working clinician, should do about it.
The Clinician's Survival Guide is about making you as efficient as possible, and helping you find practical solutions to the challenges you face.
It's time you had a more fulfilling career as a clinician - subscribe now.
Podcasting since 2024 • 37 episodes
The Clinician's Survival Guide
Latest Episodes
Dumping of Work onto Primary Care!
This episode addresses the issue of work being dumped onto GP practices by secondary care, and how individual clinicians should respond.
Season 1
Episode 36

Why you should subspecialise
This episode covers the debatable topic of whether clinicians working in primary care should subspecialise. Munir Adam asserts that, whilst holding steadfast onto the all-important generalist role, there are multiple reasons for als...
Season 1
Episode 34

AI 7/7: The Future of Artificial Intelligence
This is the 7th and final episode of the AI mini-series. Previous episodes explored some of the ways in which AI is being used in healthcare in the UK, some of the work that is underway and potential future uses, and in the last e...
Season 1
Episode 33

AI 6/7: AI Implementation: Ethical and Practical considerations
Having discussed some of the incredible potential of AI for the various uses in healthcare in the NHS, one must be mindful that just as no medicine is without potential side effects, AI too cannot be adopted without careful scrutiny.Wha...
Season 1
Episode 32