The Clinician's Survival Guide
Do you struggle with practical aspects of working as a clinician, such as finding the right job, time-keeping, inefficient systems and medico-legal risk?
This podcast is about addressing these issues: Every Tuesday, in under 15 minutes, we take-on a topic and discuss it's implications. We then explore what you, as a working clinician, should do about it.
The Clinician's Survival Guide is about making you as efficient as possible, and helping you find practical solutions to the challenges you face.
It's time you had a more fulfilling career as a clinician - subscribe now.
The Clinician's Survival Guide
The Clinician's Guide to Dealing with a Patient Complaint
Whether you're unfortunately enough to be dealing with a complaint made against you, you fear a complaint might be forthcoming, or you just want to be prepared for when that happens to you, this episode will help you.
In this second episode dealing with complaints, the discussion focuses on important things you should do if a patient makes a complaint against you. This starts from the moment it happens, so forewarned is forearmed.
The issue of receiving a complaint is dealt with in this way:
- Who you need to liaise with, before responding to the patient
- How to respond to the patient
- Focusing on yourself, and the impact it has on you
Doctors' experiences and their perception of the most stressful aspects of complaints processes in the UK: an analysis of qualitative survey data - PubMed (nih.gov)
From <https://www.themdu.com/guidance-and-advice/complaints>
Updated, removing reference to social media, otherwise same
Contact email: primarycareuk@outlook.com
Dr Munir Adam (Dr Munir Ali-Zubair) is the host, and leads the multi-professional Primary Care UK team that manages this podcast.
DISCLAIMER. This podcast is for clinicians working in the UK and is not for patients or the general public. The podcast should never be used as a substitute for professional advice, whether clinical, managerial or otherwise. Unless otherwise stated, the views expressed are simply the opinions of those contributing, and should not be considered authoritative guidance. Applying any suggestion requires careful consideration and understanding of context and of potential implications. The hosts, guests, other contributors and the organisations they represent do not accept liability of any kind for any actions or consequences arising from the information contained in the podcast.
(C) Therapeutic Reflections Limited.